All submissions must be original. We do not accept content that has been plagiarized, AI-generated, or published elsewhere on the web.

The minimum word count for your blog post should be 2,500 words.

We expect well-researched, high-quality content with actionable insights that offer rich value to xCloud users and audiences.

Tone & Style
Your content’s tone must be professional but conversational with detailed information to shed light on the chosen topic.

You may include 1 backlink to your own site or other relevant resource. Include at least 2 links to relevant xCloud blogs or pages.

You can include relevant, high-quality images, screenshots & infographics that do not violate copyrights.

Promotional Material
We discourage the use of promotional content or overly self-promotional material and reserve the right to remove or edit material if seen as not fitting to our guideline.

Pitch Your Idea
Send us a brief outline of your proposed topic, with at least 2 title suggestions for your blog post. Include key points you intend to cover.

Get Approval
We will review your pitch and respond with feedback or approval through detailed email communications.

Submit Your Draft
Once your pitch is approved, you can submit your draft article. We aim to review and provide feedback.

Submit Your Draft
Once your pitch is approved, you can submit your draft article. We aim to review and provide feedback.

Check Revisions
We may request revisions to align the content with our guidelines. Please be open to making necessary adjustments.

See It Published
Once approved, your article will be scheduled for publication. We will notify you of the publication date and provide a link once it’s live.