
xCloud Changelog

We’re constantly making xCloud better with new features and improvements. Look at what we’ve got now and tell us what else you want!

  • July 15, 2024


New Feature

  • Customize xCloud Test Domain on Demo and Staging Sites


  • New Filter Added to sort sites by Production, Staging and Demo Sites

  • Validation added for creating site with IP Address.

  • Billing related improvements

  • July 09, 2024


Security Update

  • Ubuntu Security Update: OpenSSH Vulnerability (CVE-2024-6387)

  • July 08, 2024


Improvements & Updates

  • WhatsApp Disconnect notification added.

  • UI update – Integrations

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Slack notification issue fixed for Invoice

  • July 01, 2024


New Features

Improvements & Updates

  • Users can add more emails from Profile page to get billing related updates.

  • Header Menu Design Update

  • Confirmation Modal added before purchase

  • FSM related improvements

  • Jun 26, 2024


Improvements & Updates

  • Central cronjob for taking site backups more efficiently to avoid high CPU usage

  • Enhancement with NGINX xframe nullable issue

  • Automatically fix PHP version during site installation if found broken

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Server disconnect email, server disk storage, and RAM low warning display issue fix

  • SSL manager exception handling

  • Migration Plugin Update – Fix issue if mysqldump fails

  • Retry with other Cloudflare integrations if fails to create SSL certificate

  • Jun 11, 2024


New Features

  • “No Database Site” clone option

Improvements & Updates

  • Validation added on incremental backup. At least 1 full backup is required before initiating an incremental backup.

  • Cleanup script execute on random time.

  • UI updates – Tutorial Videos added on Help Text Section

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Redis object cache Issue fixed for OLS sites.

  • Local Backup file delete option related fixes.

  • Jun 05, 2024


New Features

  • PHP Worker count adjustment from Site’s PHP settings

Improvements & Updates

  • Automatic Log Cleaning to reduce server storage

  • UI updates – Help Texts and Auto Focus on Form fields

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Notifications on/off issue fix for email & slack.

  • May 29, 2024


New UI Update

  • Menu Settings Search added

New Features

Improvements and Updates

  • Automatically restart LiteSpeed Server on .htaccess update – using cronjob

  • Prevent multiple API call for Email verification.

  • May 27, 2024


New Features

Improvements and Updates

  • Redis user and prefix isolation with ACLs to enhance site security.

  • PHP settings update related fixes

  • May 20, 2024


Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Full Server Migration Related Bug Fixes

  • May 15, 2024


Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Billing related bug fixes

  • May 14, 2024


Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Billing related bug fixes

  • May 14, 2024


Improvements and Updates

  • User can remove attached email provider from site

  • Auto heal apt-get update on various actions

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Multisite sub directory related bug fixes

  • Server Monitoring issue fixed after Server Resizing

  • May 13, 2024


New Features

  • By default xCloud servers will be created with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Improvements and Updates

  • SSH related security updates

  • Cloudflare domain checker update to handle multi-level domains

  • May 2, 2024


New Features

  • Wildcard SSL support

  • Apr 30, 2024


Improvements & Updates

  • Improvement on .user.ini

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • WP Plugin Nginx Cache

  • Apr 22, 2024


New Features

Improvements & Updates

  • Plugin Update feature related improvements

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Site Clone feature related bug fixes

  • Apr 18, 2024


New Features

Improvements & Updates

  • Backup settings update

  • UI – Added Server Filter On Site List Dashboard page

  • UI – Added version on App’s footer

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Team Invitation Expire issue fixed

  • Apr 10, 2024


Improvements & Updates

  • Dynamic ssh port on default firewall creation

  • Deny ini, log, conf file on OLS

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • PHP default upload limit & timeout adjustment

  • Apr 9, 2024


Improvements & Updates

  • Imagick extension added for OLS

  • Security Improvement for the default FPM sock

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • WP-Cron related bug fixing

  • Apr 8, 2024

  • Apr 1, 2024


New Feature

  • Mar 27, 2024


New Features

Improvements & Updates

  • Support for shorter domains in Cloudflare integrations

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Multisite path issue on NGINX

  • Site Delete issue fixed with duplicate domain names

  • Mar 21, 2024


New Features

Improvements & Updates

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Server & site delete notification issue fix with Slack.

  • Mar 19, 2024


New Features

Improvements & Updates

  • Cloudflare DNS records removal now optional on site/server deletion.

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed NGINX protocol options redefined warnings

  • PHP settings fixes for Site Settings

  • Mar 14, 2024

  • Mar 12, 2024


New Features

  • Mar 10, 2024


New Features

Improvements & Updates

  • Full Server Migration updates and fixes

  • Mar 07, 2024


New Feature

  • Mar 05, 2024


New Features

Improvements & Updates

  • Staging Domain to Live Domain improvements

  • Sync DNS Records with Cloudflare integrations

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Search and Replace bug fixes with Site Cloning

  • Invoice related updates

  • Feb 29, 2024


New Features

Improvements & Updates

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Database password validation update

  • GCP UI issue fix

  • Feb 26, 2024


New Features

  • Customize Max Input Vars value under Server PHP settings

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Invoice related updates

  • Feb 25, 2024


New Features

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Automatic Backup related fixes

  • Feb 19, 2024


New Features

Improvements & Updates

  • Automatic site backup delete updates

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Theme version compare bug fix

  • Team switching cache issue bug fix

  • Fixed Installation Script for Ubuntu 22.04 for Hostinger VPS

  • Feb 15, 2024


Improvements & Updates

  • Improved Database Security for MySQL root user

  • Optimize MySQL max_connections based on RAM during initial setup

  • Ubuntu Version Compatibility Check before connecting to another provider

  • Cronjob related updates

  • Install Cloudflare SSL Certificate from app

  • Cloudflare Proxy auto enabling while SSL generation on Cloudflare

  • WP Cli command related updates

  • Cache clear on Theme Activation from xCloud

  • FPM sock permission improved

  • Added unique WP_REDIS_PREFIX on redis object cache installation

  • During search-replace, run `wp config shuffle-salts` to prevent cache key collisions.

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • GCP Firewall Issue fix

  • Billing issue fixes related to xCloud Managed Emails

  • Feb 13, 2024


Improvements & Updates

  • Cloudflare SSL generation and UI updates

  • Updates for xCloud managed Email

  • GCP Firewall updates on server creation

  • Cron, site monitoring and backup updates

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • NGINX cache path update issue on wp-config.php fixed

  • Domain update bug fixes(cron, monitoring)

  • All events pagination issue fixes

  • Server status checker issue fixed

  • Feb 11, 2024


Improvements and Updates

  • WP Super Cache related optimization

  • xCloud Migration Plugin related optimizations

  • FastCGI NGINX caching permission improvements

  • Cloudflare integration auto check turned off on go live domain

  • S3 bucket storage integration optimization

  • Cloudflare DNS and Origin Certificate updates on Domain Change

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Auto healing issue fixed

  • Database creation issue fixed

  • Notifcation failed issue fixed

  • Billing related issues

  • Feb 7, 2024


New Features

Improvements and Updates

  • Allowed non-22 ports in SSH

  • Added more errors messages and logs for VULTR API Key integration for users.

  • Added Team delete in action menu

Issues and Bug Fixes

  • Backup date and time in server timezone issue is fixed

  • Monitoring storage issues fixed

  • Jan 31, 2024


Initial Launch

  • Oct 15, 2023


Beta Launch

  • Jun 1, 2023


Alpha Launch