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Enhancing Server and Website Security with xCloud

WordPress is often considered less secure in terms of server and website security, but it is not usually WordPress’s fault. It updates itself for security regularly. The problem is usually old plugins or themes that can be exploited by attackers. Sometimes, outdated server software can also be a risk. You just need to keep everything updated to stay safe.

With xCloud – a next-gen WordPress hosting and server management solution you will be in safe hands with your server and website security.

How to Enhance Server and Website Security with xCloud #

To keep server and website security up to date and safe in xCloud you need to follow some criteria. Let’s break it down below.

Server Security with xCloud #

When you set up your server in xCloud, it is secured and safe. Let us find out each aspect below that xCloud ensures to keep your server security-hardened.

1. SSH lockdown and Fail2Ban against brute force attacks #

xCloud secures your servers during setup with SSH login & Fail2Ban against brute force attacks.

  • SSH Lockdown:

SSH lockdown is a security measure that restricts and controls access to a server by configuring the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol settings, typically by specifying allowed users, IP addresses, or authentication methods, to enhance server protection against unauthorized access.

  • Fail2Ban:

Automatically blocks malicious IP addresses attempting to gain unauthorized access to a server by monitoring log files and implementing temporary bans. It enhances server security by preventing repeated login failures and other suspicious activities.

2. xCloud only allows incoming SSH, HTTP, and HTTPS traffic through the configured firewall #

  • SSH Traffic:

SSH traffic encrypts communication, ensuring secure transmission over networks, and shielding sensitive data from potential interceptions. It establishes a secure channel for remote access, file transfer, and command execution, fortifying network communication against unauthorized access.

  • HTTP/HTTPS Traffic:

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) traffic is the foundation of data communication on the World Wide Web, facilitating the exchange of information between web servers and clients. It operates over the standard port 80 for unencrypted communication and 443 for encrypted communication (HTTPS), ensuring the seamless retrieval and display of web content.

HTTPS traffic encrypts data sent between a web browser and a server, ensuring privacy and security for online communication. It employs SSL/TLS protocols to authenticate the server and establish a secure connection, safeguarding against eavesdropping and data tampering.

3. Review and update server packages #

You can review and update server packages directly from the dashboard with xCloudโ€™s upcoming feature.

4. SSH/SFTP Connection #

For more server security in xCloud, the server can only be accessed with SFTP and SSH connection (Disable directory browsing / System file protection), SSH/SFTP (SUDO USER), and SITE USER (Website isolation through Site Users). Plus, each site has a different Linux user.

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Learn more: Sudo Users & Site Users in xCloud

5. Defense Against Potential Threats #

  • UFW Firewall:
    Using the UFW firewall for server security boosts protection by efficiently managing network traffic.

Site Security in xCloud #

xCloud prioritizes your site’s security through a range of streamlined safety measures. From default configurations guarding against common vulnerabilities to automatic updates for WordPress security patches. Let us find out below:

1. Sets up sites with default settings to protect against common vulnerabilities #

xCloudโ€™s default settings make sure to keep your site safe from common vulnerabilities. For example:

  • Weak Passwords:

Users employing weak, easily guessable passwords pose a significant risk. xCloud ensures strong, unique passwords, and implements multi-factor authentication (MFA) to mitigate this vulnerability.

  • Outdated Software:

Failing to regularly update and patch the website’s software leaves vulnerabilities open to exploitation. xCloudโ€™s default setting regularly updates the CMS, plugins, themes, and server software to protect against known vulnerabilities

  • Security Misconfigurations:

Incorrectly configured settings, permissions, or server configurations can expose sensitive information. xCloud regularly audits and reviews configurations to ensure they adhere to security best practices.

  • Missing or Weak Encryption:

Lack of encryption or weak encryption protocols can expose sensitive data during transmission. xCloud makes sure strong encryption, especially for data in transit (using HTTPS), helps protect against eavesdropping and data interception.

2. Enables automatic updates for WordPress to apply security patches promptly #

  • Automatic Update:

xCloud offers a one-click automatic update feature to keep your site up and running always with high-security patches.

3. Ensures security by assigning separate system users to each site, preventing cross-site issues #

  • System Users:

xCloud offers SUDO users & SITE users to prevent cross-site issues and ensures security to the most.

4. Simplifies HTTPS activation with a one-click SSL certificate setup #

  • HTTPS Activation:

With xCloud HTTPS activation your online transactions are secured by encrypting data for safer browsing. It shields sensitive information from potential threats, ensuring your privacy and trust.

  • SSL Certificate:

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate ensures secure and encrypted communication between your web browser and your website’s server, safeguarding sensitive data such as passwords and credit card information.

5. Installs the latest WordPress version for new site builds #

For seamless new site development, xCloud always ensures to installation of the latest WordPress version, guaranteeing access to the latest features, security enhancements, and optimal performance for a robust and up-to-date website foundation.

6. Implements security headers to bolster site protection #

With xCloud security headers you can ensure your website defense by controlling browser behavior and safeguarding against common web vulnerabilities. These headers, such as Content Security Policy (CSP) and HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), contribute to a robust security posture, enhancing resilience against potential cyber threats.

Nginx Security #

XCloud employs a robust set of security measures to safeguard its site, ensuring a resilient defense against potential threats. These include:

1. X-Frame-Options to prevent clickjacking attacks #

xCloud offers X-Frame-Options- an HTTP header that protects web applications against clickjacking attacks by restricting the embedding of the site within frames. It allows web developers to control whether a page can be rendered within a frame, ensuring better security for their users.

2. XML-RPC Method For More Robut Rest API #

The platform also prioritizes security by transitioning from the outdated XML-RPC method to the more robust Rest API for automating WordPress sites.

  • XML-RPC Method:

XML-RPC (Extensible Markup Language Remote Procedure Call) is a simple and lightweight protocol that uses XML for encoding messages and HTTP for communication, enabling remote method invocation between different systems. It allows seamless exchange of structured data, making it a widely adopted standard for inter-process communication in distributed computing.

3. Disable PHP execution in upload directories #

xCloud enhances its defenses by disabling PHP execution in upload directories, a proactive step in minimizing potential vulnerabilities. 

Together, these security measures in xCloud contribute to a safer online environment for users.

Still, facing any security issues? Contact our support team for any of your queries.

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Updated on April 28, 2024

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