A software package will be installed on your xCloud server when adding a server from providers like xCloudโs own server, Vultr, Digital Ocean, Google Cloud, Hetzner, AWS, or any Ubuntu server, you will have the option to select a web server from the available choices on xCloud. These options include NGINX and OpenLiteSpeed (OLS). Upon selecting one a software package will be installed on your xCloud server.
Software Package Installed on Your xCloud Server #
The following software package is pre-installed depending on the web server you choose in xCloud between NGINX and OpenLiteSpeed (OLS).
NGINX Web Server (LEMP Stack) #
When you select NGINX as your web server on xCloud, the following software stack is installed:
1. PHP And Related Packages #
- Core PHP Packages
- php8.1-cli
- php8.1-fpm
- php8.1-mysql
- php8.1-mbstring
- php8.1-xml
- php8.1-gd
- php8.1-curl
- php8.1-zip
- Additional PHP Modules
- php8.1-dev
- php8.1-pgsql
- php8.1-sqlite3
- php8.1-memcached
- php8.1-imap
- php8.1-bcmath
- php8.1-soap
- php8.1-intl
- php8.1-readline
- php8.1-msgpack
- php8.1-igbinary
- php8.1-gmp
- php8.1-redis
- php8.1-imagick
2. Database Management #
- mysql-server
- mysql-community-server
3. Caching #
- redis-server
4. Development And Build Tools #
- build-essential
- gcc
- g++
- make
- pkg-config
- Pecl
- Git
- Composer
5. Programming Languages And Package Managers #
- python3
- python3-pip
- nodejs
- yarn (via npm)
6. System Utilities #
- General Utilities
- curl
- software-properties-common
- zip
- unzip
- ufw (firewall)
- supervisor
- openssl (SSL management)
- Monitoring and Security
- fail2ban
- bc (monitoring script)
- Other Utilities
- zsh
- ncdu
- acl
- whois
- uuid-runtime
- fallocate (swap management)
- shc (script encryption)
- libpng-dev
- Libmagickwand-dev
7. Command-Line Tools #
The software stack installed on NGINX is carefully selected to optimize performance, scalability and security. It sets an environment for running dynamic websites and web applications, with efficient database management, caching and automated SSL.
OpenLiteSpeed (OLS) Web Server (Stack) #
When you select OpenLiteSpeed (OLS) as your web server on xCloud, the following software stack is installed:
1. PHP and Related Packages #
- Core PHP Packages
- lsphp81 (LiteSpeed PHP, necessary for running WordPress)
- lsphp81-mysql (MySQL support)
- lsphp81-curl (used by WordPress for making HTTP requests)
- lsphp81-opcache (improves PHP performance)
- lsphp81-mbstring (multibyte string functions, important for WordPress functionality)
- Additional PHP Modules
- lsphp81-dev, lsphp81-common
- lsphp81-pgsql, lsphp81-sqlite3 (optional database support)
- lsphp81-memcached, lsphp81-redis (caching)
- lsphp81-imap (mail functions for certain plugins)
- lsphp81-imagick (image processing)
- lsphp81-intl (internationalization support)
- lsphp81-msgpack, lsphp81-igbinary (serialization for advanced caching)
2. Database Management #
- mysql-server, mysql-community-server: Required for WordPress database operations.
3. Caching #
- redis-server: Used for object caching in WordPress.
4. Development and Build Tools #
- build-essential, gcc, g++, make, pkg-config: These packages are used for compiling software or extensions, helpful for building custom server configurations or modules.
- Git: Useful for version control of custom code or development projects.
- Composer: Essential for managing PHP dependencies in more complex WordPress projects.
5. Programming Languages and Package Managers #
- python3, python3-pip: Not directly needed for WordPress but useful for provisioning scripts or server management.
- nodejs, yarn: Useful for developing themes or plugins that rely on Node.js tooling.
6. System Utilities #
- General Utilities
- software-properties-common, curl, zip, unzip
- supervisor (manages processes)
- ufw (firewall configuration)
- Security and Monitoring
- fail2ban (protects against brute force attacks)
- bc (monitoring scripts)
- shc (script encryption)
- Other Utilities
- zsh, ncdu, acl, whois, uuid-runtime, libpng-dev, libmagickwand-dev
7. Command-Line Tools #
- wp-cli
The OpenLiteSpeed (OLS) stack provides a high-performance web server, optimized PHP handling, database management, caching, security, and tools for version control, WordPress management and SSL encryption, ensuring a secure, fast web environment.
Need more information regarding xCloud servers? Contact our dedicated support team for assistance.